Saturday, April 19, 2008

Waco ISD - Stealing from the Poor and Giving to the Rich.

I am a father of 5 (soon to be six) and money doesn't come easy for us. We're not poor by any means but we live frugally, we shop with coupons and only drive when we need to. I work 2 jobs to keep our home and our our family looked after. One of the wealthiest organizations in Waco (one with a annual operating budget of over $125 million) wants to steal from me!

I will never use the product they sell. Nor will my children or grandchildren. We homeschool. A group of selfish blaggards called "Friends FOR Waco Schools" has decided that I should pay even more for the privilage of NOT using their second rate product.

Every child in Waco ISD gets over $8,ooo dollars spent on them a year. A homeschooling family is doing well if that's their education budget per child over their ENTIRE schooling! Demanding more and more while those around them have less and less, Waco ISD and 'friends' now want to steal $172 MILLION from Wacoan property owners.

VOTE 'NO' on the Waco ISD school bond - stealing and debt is always stupid and wrong!


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